
Petrol, diesel prices cut

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 28 (Reporters Wang Yueyang, An Bei) The National Development and Reform Commission said on the 28th that according to the recent changes in oil prices in the international market, according to the current refined oil price formation mechanism, from June 28, 2022 24 Since then, the domestic gasoline and diesel prices have been reduced by 320 yuan and 310 yuan per ton respectively.

This is the second time this year that my country has cut gasoline and diesel prices. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said that the three major companies of PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC and other crude oil processing companies should organize the production and transportation of refined oil, ensure stable supply in the market, and strictly implement the national price policy. Relevant departments in various places should increase market supervision and inspection, strictly investigate and punish behaviors that do not implement the national price policy, and maintain normal market order. Consumers can report price violations through the 12315 platform.

The National Development and Reform Commission’s Price Monitoring Center predicts that international oil prices will remain at a relatively high level in the short term.
