Morpholine / Related Application Product

Sodium linoleate manufacturers supply sodium linoleate drawing solution Sodium linoleate powder

Sodium linoleate PX-N98Y
Chinese name: Sodium linoleate English name: Sodium soyate
Category: Anionic Surfactant-Carboxylic Acid Sodium Salt CAS: 822-17-3
Solid content: 98%±1 Color: light yellow to yellow
Physical properties: powder Solubility: soluble in water
Molecular formula: C18H31NaO2 Chinese alias: cis,cis-9,12-octadecadiene sodium salt
Packing: 20Kg/bag (kraft paper woven bag lined with high-strength polyethylene bag)
Introduction of Sodium Linoleate PX-N98Y:
Sodium linoleate is developed by Zibo Pengxin Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. by the reaction of linoleic acid purified from sodium hydroxide and soybean oil. It is prepared by continuous saponification method. Anionic surfactant. The specific physical properties vary with the change of the alkyl chain length. The powder is soluble in water. It has excellent lubrication, thickening, dispersion, emulsification, demoulding, concrete water retention, foaming and washing abilities. Used as water retaining agent, retarder, foaming agent of concrete cement mortar, improving the pumpability of mortar, used as saponification process in metal drawing processing-saponification powder and lubricant, rubber isolation release agent, industrial water-based latex Paint thickener and mine flotation agent.
1. Water retaining agent, retarder, foaming agent of concrete cement mortar, improve the pumpability of mortar
Sodium linoleate is used as a water-retaining agent, retarder, and foaming agent for concrete cement mortar to improve the pumpability of the mortar. Improve the dispersibility of cement and sand, greatly improve the plasticity and water retention of mortar, have an effect on preventing cracks, and enhance the strength of cement. The water retention property of sodium linoleate prevents the slurry from cracking due to drying too fast after application. The retarding effect improves the spreadability and prolongs the working time, and enhances the strength after hardening. The excellent foaming ability of sodium linoleate reduces the specific gravity of the mortar with the same volume and reduces the amount of cement. Closed-loop foam gives concrete excellent waterproofing ability and is used as an additive for waterproof mortar. Used as adhesive for plastering, plaster, putty powder or other building materials, used for pasting tiles, marbles, plastic decorations, and pasting intensifiers. Used as a glaze for ceramics and in combination with enamel, it can improve the bonding and workability. In refractory mortar, refractory brick mortar or cast furnace materials can improve plasticity and water retention. Sodium linoleate’s excellent product performance and price advantage is an ideal product to replace hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and other celluloses.
Usage: Add 0.8-1.5kg per ton of concrete cement mortar.
2. Used as a saponification process in metal processing-saponification powder
The phosphated workpiece is placed in a soap solution of sodium linoleate drawing lubricant, and the sodium linoleate in the soap solution reacts with the zinc phosphate film on the surface of the workpiece to form a zinc linoleate film and a soap film layer. The film layer increases the plastic thickness of the workpiece processing deformation zone, forms a lubricating film between the die hole and the processed material, can greatly reduce heat, prevent metal sintering, melting, etc.; because it can play between the die and the drawing part To reduce the friction of the medium and plasticity, thereby improving the surface finish and processing accuracy of the drawn product, reducing the wear between the drawing tool and the drawing die and preventing damage. This product is easily soluble in water and can be easily removed from the surface of the workpiece, and has no adverse effect on the heat treatment, annealing and tempering quality of the product. Hard acid can also be added to the saponification solution during use (the temperature of the saponification solution must be higher than 60°C) to improve the anti-wear and anti-extreme pressure effects of the saponification solution.
How to use: Use 1%-7% sodium linoleate soap.
The added amount of stearic acid is within 30% of the mass of sodium linoleate.
3. Industrial thickener
Sodium linoleate is a water-based thickener for polymer biomaterials made of natural vegetable oils. The thickening mechanism is that the hydrophobic main chain associates with the surrounding water molecules through hydrogen bonds, which increases the fluid volume of the polymer itself, reduces the space for particles to move freely, and thus increases the viscosity of the system. The viscosity can also be increased by the entanglement of molecular chains, which is characterized by high viscosity under static and low shear, and low viscosity under high shear. This is because at static or low shear speed, the molecular chains of soy protein glue are in a disordered state, which makes the system highly viscous; while at high shear speed, the molecules are arranged in an orderly parallel to the flow direction and are easy to slide each other, so The viscosity of the system decreases. Acid and alkali resistance, high temperature resistance, strong solubility in cold water, viscosity increases with time, and has little to do with temperature. Adjust the rheology to thicken the adhesive and sealant, prevent filler precipitation, give good physical and mechanical stability, control the rheology of the construction process, and do not sag, drip, or fly when sizing. To reduce costs.
The main purpose:
It can be used as a powerful emulsifier in water/oil and oil/water systems.
Used in detergent as dispersant/foam stabilizer/emulsifier, impurity reabsorbent.
In the textile industry, it is used as a sizing agent, emulsifier stabilizer, anti-settling agent, and thickener.
Structural constituents in the production of paper and paper plates.
Flotation agent when selecting copper-nickel and potassium ore.
Adhesive ingredients for wallpaper.
Dry building-cement mixture ingredient.
Thickening/dispersing/stabilizing ingredient in water-based latex paint.
Thickener and stabilizer for viscous suspension in oil and gas well drilling
