
Yunnan Petroleum has supplied 123 million tons of refined oil to Yunnan Province

This year, Sinopec Sales Yunnan Petroleum Branch (hereinafter referred to as “Yunnan Petroleum”) celebrates its 70th birthday.

In the past 70 years, Yunnan Petroleum has supplied 123 million tons of refined oil to Yunnan Province, and paid 27.2 billion yuan in profits and taxes. It has grown to more than 1,300, and currently has 11 oil depots in operation and 2 oil product pipelines into Yunnan, ranking the top ten among the top 100 enterprises in Yunnan Province for five consecutive years.

In 1952, in order to revitalize the national industry and meet the needs of national economic development, Yunnan Petroleum Corporation, the predecessor of Yunnan Petroleum, was born in Kunming, becoming the first state-run oil franchise in the province. In 1998, the Yunnan Provincial Petroleum Corporation was transferred to Sinopec as a whole, and since then it has undertaken the arduous task of Sinopec’s energy supply in Yunnan.

In terms of building a comprehensive pollution prevention and control and environmental protection system, Yunnan Petroleum actively responded to Yunnan’s strategic deployment of building a green energy province, actively explored green and low-carbon transformation and development, and continuously increased investment in energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection. The first “carbon neutral” intelligent comprehensive energy refueling station, the first hydrogen refueling station, and 120 photovoltaic power generation refueling stations in Yunnan will be built, and the “Green Enterprise Action Plan” will be implemented in depth.

In 2021, Yunnan Petroleum will hold Sinopec’s social responsibility announcement in Yunnan for the first time and green energy activities for officials from foreign embassies and consulates. Officials from 7 consulates and consulates will visit the company for discussions and visit the first “carbon neutral” gas station in Yunnan. , has been widely praised by all sectors of society.

In the battle against poverty, Yunnan Petroleum has helped 12,300 registered households get rid of poverty on schedule in 20 impoverished villages in 11 counties, and helped 12,300 registered households get rid of poverty as scheduled; “Yunpin comes out of Yunnan”, more than 200 kinds of Yunnan-specific poverty alleviation products were put on sale, driving consumption of over 400 million yuan in poverty alleviation. At the critical moment of earthquake relief, drought relief, and the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, we will make every effort to ensure the supply of oil products and epidemic prevention materials.

In the past 70 years, 21 cadres and employees of Yunnan Petroleum were rated as provincial and ministerial-level labor models, and 1 employee was rated as a national labor model; 13 gas stations were rated as the Youth Civilization of Yunnan Province, and 4 gas stations were rated as national Youth Civilization.

Since 2022, Yunnan Petroleum has continued to implement and deepen the theme activities of “Remember the entrustment, make new contributions, create new achievements, and welcome the 20th National Congress” and Yunnan Petroleum’s “Celebrate 70 Years and Present the 20th National Congress”. The three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises, the establishment of Yunnan Yijie Branch, the implementation of the tenure system and contractual management of the managers of the city branch; the launch of the “Revelation and Command” project for technical research in key areas; to strengthen communication and cooperation with governments at all levels. 13 municipal and county governments and large provincial entities have established joint ventures and established 23 joint ventures. The development of the gas station network has been vigorously promoted, and market control has been further enhanced.
